
Immediate Goal

  • improve the efficiency of Catalytic Capital
  • return capital (e.g. family offices that aim to preserve capital)
  • generate a return (e.g. foundations that seek to combine impact with modest financial gains)
  • improve the likelihood to crowd-in commercial capital (by reducing investment volatility)

Further Goals

  • improve the feasibility for unsophisticated investors to invest in emerging markets (by reducing the volatility of investment and providing near-term redemption cycles)
  • enable local retail investors to invest small amounts (via a financial vehicle with low transaction cost, like an ETF/ETN or an asset-backed token/coin)

Long Term Goal

  • create a “Start-up Incubation and SME Scaling Factory” that produces sustainable, growing companies
  • showcase how modern technologies (cloud, connectivity, digitalization) can have a transformative impact on SMEs